This page is for Kids and big Kids!

  We also have a gallery slider at the bottom of this page with more kooky photos in..

check out these two rascals sitting on top of our new Garden Box terrace.. maybe they think they are fluffy owls?!
check out these two rascals sitting on top of our new Garden Box terrace.. maybe they think they are fluffy owls?!


lipizzaners at lipizzaner lodge    riding school at lipizzaner lodge, slovenia 

In our latest "Now you see it, Now you don't" what is the difference between these 2 photos of our riding school with views of the lovely Nanos mountain at Lipizzaner Lodge? Yes, correct, the tree on the left has one less leaf in the second photo, well spotted!

What on earth is Poppet up to here!
What on earth is Poppet up to here!


  crazy tree in koper    royal carriage in koper

Check out these crazy trees we found in Koper, by the coast.. would you like to have a hairstyle like these guys! / also in Koper old town, we found a really cool carriage and practised our "royal waves"! (Let's face it, Chris definitely has the best wave)!

take the Kid's seats!
take the Kid's seats!


    spot the difference mostnca falls    spot the difference at mostnica falls in slovenia

Can you SPOT the DIFFERENCE between these 2 photos of exactly the same waterfall, (Mostnica / Little Bridge falls)?? The only difference is the one on the right was taken a week later than the first one after there had been rain in the Alps, but wow, look at the difference in the power of the water!

the owner of Prem castle was so cheeky he did these statues with him sticking his toungue out at his wife!!
the owner of Prem castle was so cheeky he did these statues with him sticking his toungue out at his wife!!


    castle door at velenje, slovenia    killing hole at velenje castle, slovenia

This is the main door at Velenje castle, but look what was waiting for enemy troops if they got through the door? / On the other side there are 2 holes where defenders could stab anyone getting through the main door.. painful.

Get down to brekkie on time or Jason will nick your chair!
Get down to brekkie on time or Jason will nick your chair!


    cool statue at piran    moggie in square at piran

 What about this cool guy standing on a pole in a secret square in Piran, by the sea.. very cosmopolitan! / and in the same square we found this cute white moggie.

7 amazing zip line rides in one adventure near Lake Bled..
7 amazing zip line rides in one adventure near Lake Bled..


    enourmous pumpkin in plum tree    new moglets at the lodge

Check this out.. we found this pumpkin growing in the tree when we went plum picking! / and introducing our 2 new Siamese moglets at the Lodge, one is called Pumpkin and the other is Poppet, they are looking forward to meeting you!

look out for lots of secret bunkers hidden in the forests around here..
look out for lots of secret bunkers hidden in the forests around here..


  horse cam in slovenia     carters log road in slovenia

How do you like our "horse cam" in stereo! Just wandering around the local forest / then following the old Roman road used by carters in the old days to transport huge Slovenian oak trees to Venice to build the foundations of the island there.. look at the size of that log! 

check out this choccy choice at the Radolca Choccy festival!
check out this choccy choice at the Radolca Choccy festival!


   slovenia hot dog    relaxed cat

We really love crazy animal photos on our fun page and first you can see a genuine Slovenian "Hot Dog"! It was a really hot summer day and the river looked just too good for this furry friend to resist! And Jason the Siamese cat loves nothing better than a good stretch.. he really is a big moglet, is he longer than the umbrella?? 

tricky to get the 4 cats in one photo, but we did get 3 here.. Poppet, Jason and Rosie..
tricky to get the 4 cats in one photo, but we did get 3 here.. Poppet, Jason and Rosie..


   pelicans roost on top of chimney in slovenia   pelicans in the chimney in slovenia

These guys are the Stork family who have a massive nest on top of a chimney in a village near to Landol! The locals get very excited when mum & dad return from South Africa every year to start a new family, as it means spring has started! How many chicks can you count in the nest? The answer in Slovenian is "tri", look it up!  

anything Poppet can do, Pumkin can do better!
anything Poppet can do, Pumkin can do better!


   path along stunning river in slovenia    rock valley in slovenia

Spot the difference: We found an amazing hike along a grey/blue crystal clear river in the Slovenian Julian Alps that leads to 2 waterfalls.. now you see Hanna.. now you don't! 

no shortage of pumpkins at Halloween time!
no shortage of pumpkins at Halloween time!


   rock valley in green slovenia    on the way to the martuljek gozd waterfalls

We also found a place we describe as "Rock Alley" just around the corner from where the photos above were taken! Wow, it must take ages to find your stones and make a little rock statue. This spot reminds us of places in Peru where these "stone people" can be found alongside beautiful places in nature. / Above right is on the way to the bigger waterfalls in the mountains. 

Slovenia invented this colourful method of bee keeping..
Slovenia invented this colourful method of bee keeping..


   diving board into the soca river    wooden bears at predjama castle

Can you see the 2 diving boards on the rocks? Would you jump off and have a swim?! The river is the beautiful Soca at a place called Kanal, but the really scary thing is that the photo is taken from a bridge high above the river and there is another diving board up there!!! / Check out the wooden bears and the owl sitting on a tree at the nearby Predjama castle!

we found this ferocious glass gorilla in a shopfront in Venice..
we found this ferocious glass gorilla in a shopfront in Venice..


   walk the plank at lake bohinj in slovenia    ptuj castlemuseumin slovenia

Just check out some of the crazy frog things you can do in Slovenia and create these cool photos, firstly at the huge crystal clear lake Bohinj on the plank and secondly at the entrance to the fab castle overlooking the town of Ptuj, (don't even try to say that word)!

7 amazing zip line rides in one adventure near Lake Bled..
7 amazing zip line rides in one adventure near Lake Bled..


   the owl and the pussycat in slovenia   cat in window in vipava

We just love taking pictures of moglets on our travels.. check out this one, he looks like an owl and can you see the white cat peeking out of the window?!

Pumpkin really does love standing on top of posts and staring..
Pumpkin really does love standing on top of posts and staring..


   pigs in village in slovenia   pigs in slovenia

And look where we met these 2 furry pigs! We were just driving into a village in the mountains and they both came out to say hello!

   karst sheepdog native of slovenia   milka cow visits slovenia

Here is a Slovenian sheepdog puppy, these guys are one of the few native Slovenian dog breeds and when they grow up they live with their flock of sheep and even look a bit like a sheep, but they are very brave and ferocious if their flock are attacked, we even heard a story where one Slovenian sheepdog scared off a pack of wolves! / Check out where the Milka cow goes on holiday.. Green Slovenia of course!

   lipizzaners running around at lipizzaner lodge in slovenia   new foal at lipizzaner lodge in slovenia

Our Lipizzaners are having a great time running around in the fields at Lipizzaner Lodge and the foal Gandalf is very curious and cheeky.. Did you know that Lipizzaner foals start off as dark brown and usually turn grey/white when they grow up?!

Gandalf in the field with his mum.. check out how white he is going now!
Gandalf in the field with his mum.. check out how white he is going now!


   funny hat competition in slovenia   womble in slovenian museum

We do love a good "funny hat" photo and here a perfectly good photo outside the Postojna cave is ruined by the door looking like a funny hat!!! / David is trying to impersonate one of the characters in the Slovenian carnival tradition. British kids will be forgiven for thinking this is just an enormous womble, but at carnival time its great to see dozens of these furry monsters dancing in the streets ringing cow bells! (Carnival monsters, not Swiss children!!!)

   pericnik waterfall in slovenia   lovely walk to secret waterfall in slovenia

Here is a "Now you see it, Now you don't" and this is the fabulous Pericnik waterfall on the way to Slovenia's biggest mountain, Triglav, which means 3 Heads. The waterfall itself is very tall, but it only takes about 20 mins to walk almost right up to the top where you could almost touch it! But if you get too close your camera lens will get wet!

   slovenias largest art gallery in chestnut   space invaders in the slovenian countryside

If you want to see crazy alien wooden loaves of bread wandering around and space invaders hiding in fields then just go to the village of Chestnut to find Slovenia's largest art gallery in a massive converted monastery with hundreds of wooden sculptures in the surrounding countryside!

   sniper hole from ww1 in slovenia   the isonzo front in slovenia

OK so here is a "Spot the Difference " quiz, on the left the sniper hole is closed and on the right the hole is open and you can find this living museum very close to Bovec in the Soca valley which was the tragic scene of the largest mountain battle of all time in WW1.

   alien kitten in slovenia   cute cat sits on computer

Here's a few vintage photos for Jason and Tilda fans.. both were very cute kittens indeed!

   jason fans in slovenia  cats relax on terrace in slovenia

Jason likes nothing better than having a cuddle with his fans, but it's not all work, work, work as the 2 rascals also like to take it easy on the Yew tree terrace.

   metal donkey outside train museum in slovenia  sleeping knight in slovenian forest

If you find the donkey in Isola then congratulations, you will be standing outside the fab "trains and sea museum" in pretty Izola on the coast. / You can find the sleeping Knight on one of the hiking routes from Lipizzaner Lodge to the amazing Postojna caves.. not too far, by the way, from another secret prehistoric Neanderthal cave.

   horse surfing at lipica stud in slovenia   horse shows at lipica in green slovenia

Surf's up! Yes you can believe your eyes, this French guy is really horse surfing during a show at the local Lipica stud!

   stone statues in slovenian castle   slovenian chef in the italian dolomites

Odd One Out: Now for a couple of chances to see who is the odd one out and of course in the first picture taken at the wonderful castle museum of Ptuj, you can clearly see the stone staue with the yellow T shirt doesn't have a hat! / And the second photo is also really easy, as Rihard Basa on the left, is the only famous Slovenian chef out of the three!! 

   wizard on top of slovenian mountain   get locked in the stocks at a slovenian castel

"He's behind You!" Check out the legendary wizard of one of our favourite mountains in Slovenia, Velika Planina,"Heaven on Earth" appearing behind a little girl, but look carefully.. he also appears in both the postcards.. what magic is this! / Why not get locked in the stocks at the incredibubble Cucumber castle.. has anyone got any rotten fruit!!

   kid on beach in slovenia   one of slovenia's famous wooden men

If you thought that the beaches on Slovenia's Adriatic Riviera were all stone, then you should take a trip to Portoroz and don't forget to pack a butterfly net! / Not far from the Lodge you can hang out with the "Wooden Man".. he's a really good marker for directions on the many walks and hikes from the Lodge into the local Slovenian paradise.

   relaxing in the slovenian forest    rapunzel tower in slovenia

So either this is a photo of a pair of shoes in the local forest, or it's a relax photo, we love it when our guests have a relaxing time! / Check out Rapunzel's tower in the forest, just a bike ride away from the lodge! Sometimes Rapunzel is at home and you can see her long blonde hair hanging out the top window, waiting for her prince to rescue her.. other times she's out shopping with Goldilocks!!

   inside a hollow tree   donkeys up a mountain in slovenia

Can you guess where this young Belgian guest squeezed into? It's a huge huge hollow tree at a nearby deserted castle! / And check out the view these donkeys have of the Slovenian Alps.. What do you call a donkey who lives on the side of a mountain? A wonkey donkey!!!!


Address: Landol 17, Postojna 6230, Slovenia

Phone: +386 5620 3443
Mobile: +386 40 47 0239 or +386 40 37 8037